Fault Tolerance Interface
src Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for src:


file  api.c
 API functions for the FTI library.
file  checkpoint.c
 Checkpointing functions for the FTI library.
file  conf.c
 Configuration loading functions for the FTI library.
file  diff-checkpoint.c
 Differential checkpointing routines.
file  ftiff.c
 Functions for the FTI File Format (FTI-FF).
file  ftiff.h [code]
 Header file for the FTI File Format (FTI-FF).
file  hdf5.c
 Funtions to support HDF5 checkpointing.
file  interface.h [code]
 Header file for the FTI library private functions.
file  meta.c
 Metadata functions for the FTI library.
file  postckpt.c
 Post-checkpointing functions for the FTI library.
file  postreco.c
 Post recovery functions for the FTI library.
file  recover.c
 Recovery functions for the FTI library.
file  stage.c
 helper functions for the FTI staging feature.
file  stage.h [code]
file  tools.c
 Utility functions for the FTI library.
file  topo.c
 Topology functions for the FTI library.