Fault Tolerance Interface
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 fti.hHeader file for the FTI library
 api.cAPI functions for the FTI library
 checkpoint.cCheckpointing functions for the FTI library
 conf.cConfiguration loading functions for the FTI library
 diff-checkpoint.cDifferential checkpointing routines
 ftiff.cFunctions for the FTI File Format (FTI-FF)
 ftiff.hHeader file for the FTI File Format (FTI-FF)
 hdf5.cFuntions to support HDF5 checkpointing
 interface.hHeader file for the FTI library private functions
 meta.cMetadata functions for the FTI library
 postckpt.cPost-checkpointing functions for the FTI library
 postreco.cPost recovery functions for the FTI library
 recover.cRecovery functions for the FTI library
 stage.cHelper functions for the FTI staging feature
 tools.cUtility functions for the FTI library
 topo.cTopology functions for the FTI library
 interface.F90Fortran interface for the FTI checkpoint library